Why Facility services in need in the Shopping malls?
Facility services are becoming increasingly popular in our country, which is not surprising since the maintenance of the property plays a key role in most business areas, whether it is a store, office, warehouse or production hall. Especially in demand these services are used in shopping malls, where all business depends on the building. According to expert estimates of the company SHEN, 49% of outsourcing facilitation services in Ukraine fall precisely on the SEC.

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What is so beneficial for outsourcing companies in this sector? In the work of shopping malls there are many tasks and nuances associated with the functioning of the building, which take a lot of time, not allowing to focus on the development of the project. For example, everyone knows the problem of staff turnover, the absence of a cleaner, a fitter, plumbing leads to breakdowns in the work process, not to mention the constant search for more and more new employees. In the event of the transfer of cleaning, protection, maintenance of the building to the outsourcing center, the SEC receives a reliable partner, guarantees the quality of the work performed, qualified personnel and frees up about a third of the working time that can be used for other important tasks.
In addition, Facility management companies bring additional value to the property, increasing its attractiveness for visitors and tenants, which allows the owner of the shopping center to gain a competitive advantage and possibly raise prices for tenants.
One of the most important tasks of the facilitation of services is the saving of client resources. We wrote about saving time, we’ll talk about the technical side of the issue. For example, using the cleaning services of the SEC can save a lot of money on the purchase of detergents and equipment. Outsourcing company usually buys large volumes of professional chemistry, at wholesale prices, and it is very expensive to buy expensive floor washing equipment and equipment for the SEC. If we talk about maintenance, then highly qualified specialists will help to establish all systems and optimize energy costs, which in some cases helps save up to 30% of costs.
Despite this, according to the calculations of the company SHEN, so far only 9% of the SEC give the facilitation services to outsourcing. And although this figure only increases every year, we are still far from European indicators. However, the stabilization of the retail real estate market, which began in the second half of 2016, a certain increase in rental rates, and the planned new facilities, will significantly increase the growth rate of outsourcing facilitation services in the mall.