Сleaning in supermarkets. Expert Tips
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Сleaning in supermarkets. Expert Tips

Supermarket service is an area requiring a special approach and control over all processes. From the success of the tasks associated with the operation of this type of property depends directly on the profitability of the store. After all, it is unlikely that the client will want to return to the dirty supermarket, with a rough guard and unpleasant odors.

Сleaning in supermarkets. Expert Tips

The services of professional faciliity of companies in Ukraine are most in demand specifically in the retail sector, since the specificity of the work does not make it possible to ignore the issues of cleaning, security, maintenance. In contrast to other types of business for servicing supermarkets, the following points should be considered:

  • Large flow of visitors
  • Availability of different types of products, including fresh, unpacked products, fish, perishable goods
  • The complexity of the control purchases (for security services store)
  • Uneven flow of visitors, it is necessary to take into account peak hours, and the time of the smallest load on the store
  • The presence of various equipment, including refrigeration, furnaces for heating products, coffee machines, various types of shelves, etc.

Based on the above characteristics, when cleaning this type of premises, you should carefully approach the issue of scheduling the cleaning, so as not to interfere with visitors to shop, and at the same time maintain cleanliness in the supermarket.

Since in Ukraine, enterprises working with food products are massively switching to HACCP safety standards, the service delivery model and the use of safe cleaning products play a key role in servicing such facilities.

As in no other field, flexibility and quick response to a changing situation is important. Adjusting the cleaning schedule depending on the weather, pre-holiday days and other conditions will be an important competitive advantage.

When changing weather conditions, you must also change the method of cleaning, so as not to smear dirt on the floor and quickly dry the surface without letting it become slippery. In such a situation, it is best to increase the number of cleanups using floor cleaning machines.

It is also worth saying a few words about the related security and maintenance services.

Quite often we find in the media reports of inadequate security behavior, abuse and violation of human rights. In such a situation, public opinion will always be on the side of the buyer, even if he really stole something and behaved inappropriately. You can protect your supermarket against such image losses by contacting for professional security services. What is required in this case from the security officer:

  • Clear knowledge of the protocol and rules of behavior in various conflict situations
  • Neat appearance, polite manner of speech
  • Care and knowledge of all possible ways of theft of goods from the shelves
  • Passing regular qualification training programs (this should be handled by a management company that cares about the quality of its services)

As for maintenance, it is extremely important to observe a comfortable temperature regime, to conduct regular maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems to avoid unpleasant odors in the room. Preventive maintenance of refrigeration equipment will help to avoid monetary losses from damaged goods and equipment.

Competent operation of the premises of the supermarket is an extremely important element of the work of this type of business. Cooperation with a professional company, in addition to maintaining cleanliness, safety and comfort, will provide additional value in the form of high-quality service and a positive experience for store visitors.