How to protect employees from coronavirus if it is impossible to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters
Ukraine, like most countries around the world, is at the stage of restarting the operation of commercial and public buildings. Properties open their doors, subject to some strict rules, such as wearing masks, maintaining a social distance of 1.5 meters and regularly disinfecting common areas.
Many companies use the World Health Organization guidelines for quarantine work, which clearly state the need to work at a distance from each other. However, there are many businesses where it is simply impossible to comply with this rule, what to do in this case?
The only way to keep people in a building safe from relatively close contact is through personal protective equipment and frequent disinfection of all rooms where people are.
At the moment, it is critical for cleaning companies to use professional disinfectants that have proven effective in fighting viruses. It is also necessary to have a cleaning chart with a clear indication of the frequency of cleaning activities and a list of surfaces that need to be processed. Particular attention should be paid to contact points such as doorknobs, switches, taps, furniture in common areas, etc.
As for personal protective equipment, now there are a large number of them: masks, shields, glasses, suits, gloves. This entire arsenal is made from different materials and is designed for different tasks. To minimize the risk of contamination, it is essential that personnel properly dress, use and dispose of these products. To do this, it is best to organize a practical lesson in order to teach employees these simple wisdom.
As a result, it is unlikely that it will be possible to protect people in the building by 100%, however, following simple rules and working with a professional cleaning company operating in accordance with international protocols for combating coronavirus will minimize the risks of infection as much as possible.